
Astro Notes


A Few Words Before… Link to this heading

I have been extremely instereted in Astronomy since I was 9 years old. I was so impressed by total lunar eclipse that occurred on December 10, 2011. Following that extraordinary event, I have read lots of different kinds of popular science books about astronomy. By October 2021, my interest had pivoted towards astrophotography, a passion that eventually influenced my decision to pursue cryo-EM in my research endeavors.

Astrophotography and cryogenic electron microscopy actually have much in common:

  • The targets are always very dim. As for astrophotography, especially deep sky imaging, the surface brightness of nebulae and galaxies is exceptionally low. In the case of cryo-EM, the electron dose is very low in order to protect the organic sample from potential damage.
  • To get high-quality image and see more details of the object, averaging images is essential in both fields as it effectively reduces noise and enhances the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), ensuring a crisper, more detailed visualization.
  • Data (or image) collection in both realms demands meticulous correction of any drifts. Mechanical errors can critically compromise the imaging of the region of interest (ROI) in both astrophotography and cryo-EM. So, the importance of a stable mount and a precise guiding system in astrophotography cannot be overstated.

Astrophotography Link to this heading

Pixinsight Tutorials Link to this heading

