Scripts & Software
I’m currently working on another software related to membrane protein image processing. Stay tuned!
A software for membrane analysis and subtraction in cryo-EM. [Wiki] [Github link]
A tool reading IMOD points, obtaining particles’ info and generating .star file for RELION. [Doc] [Github link]
This app has been added to SBGrid collection.
A tool converting DYNAMO table files(.tbl) to RELION star files(.star). [Doc] [Github link]
BraTS based on U-net
A project on Brain Tumor Segmentation(BraTS) using CNN. Most of code was written by me. Computer Vision Project, Winter School 2023, Imperial College London
- Classification code: [Google Drive]
- Segmentation code: [Google Drive]
ePSF generator
This script generates an ePSF (effective Point Spread Function) from a FITS image by detecting stars, extracting cutouts, and building a PSF model. The output is saved as a FITS file. [Doc] [Github link]